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Values and Guiding Principles

The goal of Community First United Methodist Church is to live out the values of love, justice, and compassion in worship and service, seeking to offer hope and healing to those who have been hurt or rejected by other religious institutions or faith communities.

The diversity and beauty of all God’s creation is celebrated at Community First United Methodist Church. We desire to become a safe landing spot for all who are seeking a relationship with God and a community of believers. We continue to create an affirming and accepting community of faith that welcomes and celebrates people of all backgrounds, identities, and orientations.

We are a community of faith that embraces diversity and inclusion and affirms the dignity and worth of every human being. At Community First we are “building a Christian Community”. We are building an intentional community, a community not limited by space or defined by a location or facility, but a community that lives into the very meaning of community , “Common Unity”; a community that includes the excluded; a community that is intentional about inviting everyone, especially those who have never been invited to be a part of a caring community; a community that is intentionally different by intentionally including “different” people; a community that breaks boundaries, norms, expectations, limitations, barriers, and prejudices, including social, racial, economic, gender identity or ability boundaries, and a community that sees, hears and serves with ALL our neighbors.